We have already gone through a variety of common issues connected to the Internet and…
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Unintended Network Connections
One of the top security concerns is unintended, network connections. This could be via cellular…
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Symptoms, clues, and risks: malware infestation in mobile device
When it comes down to mobile devices, unlike their older siblings, desktops, and laptop, are…
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Signs your mobile device is infected by malware or hacked
The generation that we are living in heavily relies on mobile devices. The use of…
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Breaking into your mobile device: location tracking and camera usage
In our previous articles, we have already discussed the important types of attacks on your…
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Unauthorised root access
Previously I talked about how mobile devices are a generally safer and hard nut to…
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Unauthorized Account Access
One of the worst things about unauthorized access is, that it not only puts your…
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Guard your data
“Precaution is better than the cure” – this is an immortal phrase that will shine…
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Recovering your stolen mobile device
No wonder how your mobile device can get theft, mugged, or can face any such…
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